Wine & Music Travel is committed and proud to honor and remain faithful to its original mission for which, since the founding in 2004, under our previous trade name, Shop Wine and Dine, was renowned for offering exciting and innovative custom-designed programs that explore the world’s rich regional cultures and traditions through their extraordinary oenogastronomic heritage.

Wine Tours

For the serious wine connoisseur and collector, our direct relationships with the most respected wine producers will provide an opportunity to learn about their unique and personal wine-making philosophy. Our scrupulous attention to details will ensure maximum utilization of your time while allowing full appreciation of the experience.

Wine tastings conducted by wine educators, meals often in the company of the winemakers, featuring local cuisine and perfectly paired with locally produced wines, will further enhance and ensure an unforgettable experience!

More About Wine Tours

Music Tours

For the music lover, an opportunity to enjoy renowned jazz, opera or classical music’s world-renowned artists, performing at festivals held in splendid and unusual world stages set in breathtaking settings.

Our know-how and relationships with festivals’ management and artistic directors, will ensure VIP seating and access to by- invitation-only events. Daily excursions to local cultural sites and of course, exceptional food and wines as appropriate to the destination, will further enrich and deliver a memorable experience!

More About Music Tours

Travel Your Way

Travel Your Way: whatever the occasion-a business retreat, a family or friends reunion; no matter the landscape-sea or mountains, a travel experience created by Wine and Music Travel will be sure to exceed your expectations.

More About Travel Your Way

About Us

Founder and President, Anna Maria Sorrentino, was born in Torino, Italy, and relocated to the United States as a youngster. Her professional career spanning over 25 years, has been devoted to the travel industry, initially holding various senior marketing positions in corporate sales and group operations for a major international airline. Following the founding of Shop Wine and Dine in 2004, and subsequently rebranding her company to Wine & Music Travel, her impeccable professional credentials have been invaluable in creating flawless, interesting, and carefully conceived and executed travel experiences geared to the wine connoisseur and collectors as well as world-class jazz, opera, and classical music lovers.

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